
Growth solutions for your brand,


We develop unique strategies for each brand, for optimal support of your business.

Package 1

Our One-Shots

The best move to go further and faster.

Sessions with the experts of our "problem-solving" oriented teams, tailor-made solutions for your problems, to help you move forward quickly.

Solve your blockers

A session where you come with your questions, and we provide you the answers. Simple, effective!

We send you a form with some information to fill in to understand your situation. You can also post your questions there.


Once the form has been received, we will send you a confirmation with a choice of three timeslots to schedule the call.

We plan between one and two hours for each session. If we feel it will not be adequate, we can adapt. You will receive all the information related to this in your confirmation email.

It will depend on your issues. We categorize them according to the areas of activity: Paid Media, Influence Marketing, Team Management, Processes, etc. There may be one person, or two, depending on your questions. We will organize the sessions so that everything runs smoothly.


Each person selected for your session is part of the EMF Leads team. They are our best team members. Those who have already gone past many obstacles, and made several projects, shall take off.

You will receive the details of who will be attending your call, in the confirmation email.

There is no time to lose, we get straight to the core of the matter. Your time is precious, we know that. Together, we will talk about the chosen topics and give you our answers and recommendations, one by one.


We can also show you some of the tools and processes that have been put in place to help you get things done. You leave with turnkey solutions, ready to be implemented.

We charge on a fixed rate basis per session. Our rates are tailor-made, as each requirement is different. We will send this to you after our very first contact. 

We doubt that it will happen, but we are obviously open to discussion.

Nous t’enverrons un formulaire après la session, dans lequel tu pourras nous dire comment tout s’est passé. Si tu estimes que la sessions n’était pas à la hauteur de tes attentes, nous procèderons à un remboursement de la session à hauteur de 50%, ou bien nous re-programmerons un appel gratuitement avec toi afin de nous assurer que cette fois-ci, tout soit résolu.

We send you a form with some information to fill in and understand your situation. You can also register your problems and targeted questions there.


Once the form has been received by us, we will send you a confirmation of receipt and the team will get to work. 


We will send you an audit presentation, and a video to accompany the document, in order for you to understand why we have noted this or that point.


Following this, if you wish to discuss a topic in depth, or if you have any questions, we remain at your disposal via mail.

If we have all the information necessary to carry out the audit, you can expect a maximum delay of one week.

The audit will be carried out by all the Leads of each EMF department: Paid Media, Influencer Marketing, Copywriting, Creatives Strategy, and also our E-commerce Manager.

We will review each page of your site, and suggest improvements and recommendations to optimize your CRO and performance related to Paid and Influencer campaigns.

It can range from text to design, button type, etc. Everything is analyzed there.

We charge on a fixed rate basis per audit. Our rates are tailor-made according to the work which needs to be done. We will send all this to you after our first contact.

Audits and recommendation plans

A complete audit of your website, carried out by our e-commerce, paid media, influencer marketing and creative department experts, will help you optimize your pages, your sales funnels and prepare for campaigns.

Coaching: your dedicated expert to support and guide you

Coaching sessions help you see things more clearly, find the right direction for your business, and provide solutions to your problems. Yes, you get all that.

We send you a form with some information to fill in to understand your situation. You can also write down your questions, doubts, issues...Anything that comes across your mind and that you would like to talk about with us. You can also leave these fields blank, and we will assess the situation together.


Once we receive the form, we will send you a confirmation together with the option of three timeslots to schedule your first call. We may ask a few additional questions to ensure that we can properly guide you in the best possible way.


During this interview, we can get straight to the core of the matter, and begin the coaching session. Each call lasts one hour.

We will direct you to the expert on our team who we believe is the most suitable for your case. Several team members can even be part of the session, if you want.


If you wish to talk to a particular person, we will make sure that you get what you want, of course.

At the end of the first session, we can discuss the need for more calls. If this is the case, we will present you with an action plan with goals which are organized by theme, so that we can cover all the subjects that have been requested, so that you’re completely satisfied and ready to take action.

We charge per session, or as a multi-session package. Our rates are tailor-made according to brand objectives. We will send all this information to you after our first contact.

An in-depth conversation with the experts of our teams, who will be able to answer your problems and questions, and select tailor-made solutions for your business.


You can expect time dedicated to resolving your questions as founders, setting up an action plan to guide you towards your goals, presenting tools, methods, and techniques to move forward more effectively.

Package 2

#3 months
to achieve it all

Be guided by our experts and leave with all our turnkey strategies to get your business off the ground.

Your brand is promising and is off to a good start, but you feel stuck in its marketing development? Not sure your strategies are the right ones? Are you scared of missing out on opportunities for your brand? We’ve got what you need.

Step 1 :

We curate an action plan for you

2nd step :

We accompany you through all the stages (yes, all!)

Step 3:

We resolve your obstacles as we go along and adjust the strategy

End of 3 months:

You have reached your set target

We send you a form with some information to fill in to understand your situation. You can also write down your questions, doubts, issues...Anything that comes across your mind and that you would like to talk about with us. You can also leave these fields blank, and we will assess the situation together.


Once we receive the form, we will send you a confirmation together with the option of three timeslots to schedule your first call. We may ask a few additional questions to ensure that we can properly guide you in the best possible way.


Nous ensuite mettrons en place un plan d’action concret avec objectifs liés à ta marque, et tous les pans sur lesquels nous t’aideront.

Des appels toutes les semaines avec nos leads, quelles que soient les problématiques que tu puisses rencontrer. Paid Media, Influence, équipes, process, admin,… Chaque domaine a son expert qui saura t’aiguiller.

Nous te partagerons également des ressources, templates, processes, et tout autre document qui pourra t’aider à atteindre tes objectifs. Que ce soit des méthodes développées en interne chez EMF, ou bien des astuces que nous avons pu dénicher auprès de notre network et évènements internationaux.

Notre but, c’est de tout te donner, pour que tu puisses arriver là où tu le souhaites.

D’atteindre les tiens ! Nous allons définir tes blockers et opportunités, et dresser un plan d’action pour atteindre les objectifs que nous aurons fixé ensemble.


Tu souhaites atteindre 1M de revenus ? Let’s go.

Tu souhaites étendre ton équipe et reconstruire tous tes processes ? Ça nous va.

Tu veux des solutions clés en main et des stratégies marketing à appliquer directement pour ta marque ?

Tout ça en même temps ? Même pas peur.

Nous facturons sur une base mensuelle. Nos tarifs sont définis sur-mesure selon les objectifs de marque. Nous te communiquerons tout ceci après notre première prise de contact. 

Si cela devait arriver, ce serait pour deux raisons:

  • Soit les objectifs fixés de base n’étaient pas réalisables, comparé à l’état des choses en commençant. Si tel était le cas, nous nous engageons à t’accompagner un mois de plus gratuitement pour te permettre d’atteindre tes objectifs.


  • Ou bien des évènements extérieurs inattendus se sont produits et ont affecté le  bon déroulement des choses.


Pas de panique, on s’arrange, et on en parle ensemble pour te trouver le meilleur moyen de palier à ça. Que ce soit en passant par du consulting simple, ou autre format.


“Flexibilité”, on a dit. Et on y tient.

Package 3

À la carte

We adapt to your

specific needs

Influencer Marketing

Tell us about your influencer marketing budget for your next campaign.

  • Guaranteed ROAS.
  • We have a wide selection of influencers from different sectors built over the last three years, who can collaborate with your brand.
  • La possibilité de t’étendre sur les marchés européens.
  • You don’t need to manage anything: we take care of everything. Contact, sourcing, contracts, payments. Just take it easy!

Media Buying

Nos media buyers experts gèrent tes campagnes Ads.

  • ROAS garanti.
  • Stratégie growth inclue
  • Audit de compte et optimisation
  • Tous canaux: Facebook, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Google, etc.


Access to EMF resources

As-tu toujours rêvé d’avoir des fichiers automatisés et synchronisés, pour organiser chacune de tes actions marketing ? Tu veux un écosystème ultra-organisé, qui te fait gagner un temps précieux et performer comme jamais ?


Oh we’ve done that as well!

Et tu peux accéder !